How to view completed document?

After signing document

T H Kwek

Last Update há 2 anos

By default, you should always view the completed document on an Adobe Acrobat Reader or on platform. You can also view documents with web browsers, email or print preview.

Viewing completed document with Adobe Acrobat Reader

We would recommend viewing all completed documents with an Adobe Acrobat Reader, as the document will be shown with a certificate, which is recognized under the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL).

This is an easy way to identify that the document you are viewing is the authentic document that was signed.

Any changes (e.g. saving document as a copy) made to the original document will break the seal, and will no longer carry the certificate.

You can download the free Adobe Reader via this link: Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.

Viewing the document on the platform

You can also view the completed document on the platform. This will allow you to also access the document audit trail that records all activities that have been performed on the document (i.e. document sent, viewed, signed, downloaded) and verification status of the recipients.

From the menu, select Documents. Click Filter By and select Completed Document, then select the document that you would like to view. The document will be displayed on the left panel with all the signing fields on the document.

Viewing completed document as email preview

Opening or viewing a document as an email preview will show the document in its entirety, with all fields visible. The images below show the possible screens when viewing a completed document straight from the email attachment.

*Google Chrome email preview

Viewing Completed Document as Web Preview

If you use a web browser to open or view a completed document, the document will be shown in its entirety, with all fields visible. The images below show the possible screens when viewing a completed document from different browser applications.

*Google Chrome web preview

*Microsoft Edge web preview

*Firefox web preview

*Brave web preview

Viewing Completed Document with Preview on Mac

If you are using a MacOS, you will be able to open or view a completed document using Preview. The document will be shown in its entirety, with all fields visible.

Do note that Preview allows a user to edit the document. Note that any changes on the document will break the seal. The edited document will no longer carry the seal when viewed with an Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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