Where to find the document audit trail?

After signing

T H Kwek

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

All documents signed on the Sign.net platform are backed up with an audit trail, which records every action that is performed on the document. This can be accessed via the Sign.net platform.

Accessing the document audit trail

From the Menu, select Documents. Filter by Outgoing Document or Completed Document, and select your document.

Clicking on Activities will show you activities that have been performed by each recipient on the document, i.e. sending of document, viewing of document, signing of document, downloading of document from the platform. Sign.net captures the account, IP address and timestamp of each activity performed by the recipient.

Certificate of completion

Each completed document is also accompanied by a certificate of completion, which is a summary of when the document was created, signed, and completed by the respective recipients of the document.

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